There is a silver lining to every cloud. The past few weeks have been plagued by the releases of bad or mediocre albums. Rihanna’s “Rated-R” and Chris Brown’s “Graffiti” are included in the list. I have always been a fan of both of them, but both of these two recent releases aren’t worth paying full price for. Rihanna got me, because I purchased her album before listening to it. “Fool me once…” I won’t be the fool again, at least not in the same year. So I listened to snippets of Chris Breezy’s CD before buying it, and good thing.
The silver lining to these debacles is that the saved money allowed me to venture off into some other music. I’ve already done a blogspot on Jaiden…hit his site and cop the mixtape. It’s great music for free!
The silver lining to these debacles is that the saved money allowed me to venture off into some other music. I’ve already done a blogspot on Jaiden…hit his site and cop the mixtape. It’s great music for free!
This week, one of my people turned me onto this group named City of God.
City of God is hot. It's clear why Ryan Leslie, Pleasure P, and other artists would want to work with them. I can’t quite pin the band into a category but they have a sound that’s similar to Blackeyed Peas. Some of the sounds that City of God offers also remind me of one of my favorite artists, PJ Morton (if you don’t know, ask somebody).
The band has released albums that are available in iTunes. I’ve listened to them, but haven’t purchased them all yet. I have their new single, “HMG: High Maintenance Girl,” on a mix and I’m really feeling it. A whole album of similarly fashioned tunes would be tasty. City of God, can we work that out? The single, “HMG,” is not available for purchase yet, but it can be downloaded for free at the following link: http://www.zshare.net/audio/678584760384cfd8/
City of God is an eclectic bunch, which probably contributes to the eclectic sound. Check out the following links for more info on the group:
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