Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sex Therapy: The Ultimate Home Remedy for Every Ailment

Real Sex—an ongoing HBO documentary – just did a show about sex and it’s relation to hard times. It spoke on what we already knew. When times get hard, such as in times of war or economic downturn, people turn to the ultimate home remedy, which is sex. That’s what this album is all about, hence the more than appropriate title, “Sex Therapy.”

Robin Thicke’s latest isn’t an album that you’ll be able to listen to all the way through painlessly, but there are few standouts and they are as follows…

The first track, “Mrs. Sexy” has an old school flavor, with that high hat, snare, and bass drum combo that reminds you of better days in music. The light organ and the horns give it more soul. My favorite element is the strings. Soulfulness is a heavy thing that can easily weigh any song down, but the strings keep the tune step-able. Unfortunately, the lyrics didn’t do too much for me, they’re reminiscent of Thicke’s early writing, but the musical composition is Al Green-esque.

“Sex Therapy,” the title track, had me waiting on this CD for weeks. The music is light, which allows you to pay more attention to the lyrics. Polow Da Don did the thing! I’m also digging the lyrical content. While most artists are talking about taking advantage of and dominating their partners, Thicke sings about allowing his to manipulate the situation and take the therapy on her own terms – as hard or as soft as she wants to.

“Just Right” stumbles out of the block, but let it develop before you skip it. The hook lays nicely over an accompaniment that’s sprinkled with Latin flavor, and gives the music that same step-able feel that you get from “Mrs. Sexy. It’s like a slower salsa joint.

Shout out to Teddy Riley! He still has it. Teddy has producer credits for “It’s in the Morning,” which is the best song on the album. Who doesn’t like that early morning booty? If you said “no,” give it another shot. Let the track ride one morning and allow Thicke and Snoop to set the mood, and give your partner that good morning nudge. Make it quick though or put the song on repeat, because it’s only 3 minutes.

Now, just because these are the only songs that I've mentioned doesn’t mean that all of the others are bad. These are just the cream of the crop.I know times are hard. You may be out of work, or underemployed. There may be other things that are stressing you out. Just buy this album, make a playlist with the above songs and remember the words of Bleek Gilliam (Denzel’s character in Spike Lee’s Mo Betta’ Blues), “Mo’ Betta’ makes it mo’ betta’.

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