Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Better Luck Next Time: Rihanna's Rated R

We’ve all been told, “If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.” Well, I’m sorry Mom, I have to say something. I don’t know what has happened to Rihanna, but I believe that she has completely lost it. Some people say that she can’t and never has been able to sing. I completely disagree with that sentiment. The girl can sing. That was proven by her first two albums, “Music from the Sun,” and “A Girl Like Me.” My concern has nothing to do with the mixture of Rock and R&B. Although, it appears that she has abandoned the Reggae element that she works so well, there has always been a dash of Rock in her music. My issue is this subpar new album.
I don’t know who to blame. You could make a case to hold her, Chris Brown, or her label responsible, but someone has taken the sweet girl dancing on the beach in a sundress, abducted her, and replaced her with this scary chick, whose music will make you either want to kill yourself or someone else. I don’t know who did what but I want you to take it back. "Take it back, now!" If I could, I would take “Rated R” and reduce the album to the following songs: “Wait Your Turn,” “Stupid in Love,” “Rockstar 101,” “Rude Boy,” and “Te Amo.” I don’t care what you do with the other 8.
Rihanna, I love you, but I don’t know if I can say that “Rated R” is worth buying. Better luck next CD. On a better note, her 3-CD Collector’s Set came out earlier this year.

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